1. METRO Guandu Station:
 Guandu Station (METRO Tamsui-Xinyi Line) (Red Line) Exit 1
  (1) ON FOOT: Walk along Dadu Road (through Dadu Bridge) and Zhixing Road (about 10-15 minutes).
  (2) BY BUS: Take Bus 223, 302 or Minibus 23 to Guandu Temple Station
  (1)Guandu Station: Bus 223, 302, 838, R22 (Red 22) or R55 (Red 55)
   → walk along Dadu Road and Zhixing Road (about 10 minutes).
  (2)Guandu Temple Station: Bus 216 sum line, 223, 302, 550, R35 (Red 35) or Minibus 23.

No.360, Zhixing Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 11260, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2858-1281
e-mail: kuantu.eng@msa.hinet.net